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Showing 1 presentation matching these filters:
DAY: Monday X
SES: Session 1 (90 minutes) (Mon 3:45pm-5:15pm) X
SES: Session 6 (60 minutes) (Wed 8:45am-9:45am) X
SES: Session 7 (90 minutes) (Wed 10:00am-11:30am) X
PGM: Equity X
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Monday Sessions
Session 1 (90 minutes) 3:45pm-5:15pm
Building the Future: Workforce Development & Retention in Construction Careers
Multiple presenters (maximum is 6 presenters)
Giovanna Brasfield
The construction industry is facing a critical labor shortage, projected to surpass 1 million workers by 2025, due to an aging workforce, a lack of skilled labor, impact to inclusion, and declining interest among younger generations, women, and minority groups. This session explores strategies for recruitment, retention, and development of diverse talent by partnering with community colleges, as a resource. Key topics include creating inclusive workplaces, continuous learning, and technology.